3 min

Beauty in your eyes

“It’s impossible to imagine a world without beauty. In the morning, when I open my eyes, beauty unfolds in the world beyond compare.

Let me show you the world, seen through my eyes…

Now it is Spring and with every blossom, glows new life imbued with joy and fragrance. There is a smile in everything. In each bird song, in each romantic kiss shared with sweet lovers, in every drop of rain and every glimmer of sunshine peeking beyond the dreamy skies.

When I perceive beauty, my soul wakes up. I feel alive. I feel part of a great universal dance. I feel divine.

Beauty has a mysterious power to enchant us in a magical way and to elevate our hearts to experience sublime and sacred realities. Our lives should be full of beauty.

He who seeks perfection becomes an artist

Our encounter with beauty raises us to heights where we can contemplate the world with a great lucidity and at the same time, we can surrender unconditionally to the Universal magic. Because beauty makes us feel at home and allows us to experience Santosha (Sanskrit for contentment).

Without beauty, our souls cannot flourish and cannot fulfil their destined purpose. The journey of self-discovery needs air and needs the full fresh breath of beauty. And as the spiritual explorer is devoted to perfection, he who seeks perfection becomes an artist.

The one thirsty for wisdom is a devotee of truth. The one fascinated by the symphony of existence is a disciple of harmony, the one drunken by the colours that thrill us is a worshiper of light and the one in whose veins poetry is flowing, is always in love with Love.

All of whom we speak are spontaneously dedicated to beauty. They all make masterpieces of their own lives, hand in hand with the Creator.

Seeking the foundation of Creation

We should not seek beauty only in museums or theatres. It’s not only in nature. Beauty is omnipresent. It is the foundation of creation and its ultimate goal. It vibrates in the magnificence of billions of stars and in the small infinity of the electrons. And on the bridge between the galaxies and the subatomic universe it is us who walk in this beauty and bathe in it, each moment of our existence.

We choose to return to the spring of beauty, climbing closer to our inner skies with every step, with every gesture and every experience. Because we know that the Creator is waiting for us, smiling like a cherry tree, eternally blossoming.

Women are the embodiment of beauty. Sculpted by the Creator’s hands to bring his sublime message to the World, women have the capacity to become the muses of existence. Their beauty has inspired poets, sculptors, painters, heroes, Kings and all great myths and legends, in order that we can reach the heights and depths of life.

The feminine form captures this beauty delightfully. For even in her smile, we feel a richness flowing through our being. Through her gentle curves and her grace, we can perceive a revelation of something mysterious inside of us.

Right now, let us speak no more of beauty. Let us live it, contemplate it and love beauty completely!”

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