3 min

Couple practice for becoming more heart-centered

We live in a world of duality. Day-night, summer-winter, Earth-sky, man-woman, soul-mind. Through the Taoist practice we can reach a place of unity where all the differences become only shades of The One, thus coming closer and closer to our souls, to our center.

An inner adventure

How can we connect the sensual, material world with the spiritual one, how can we connect the erotic with the divine? Tao and Tantra have come up with the answer. The powerful erotic energy awakens and then feeds and enlivens all the other levels of our beings.

The exercise we propose hereby can be used to elevate yourself and to achieve a more profound intimacy with your loved one. You can also lead your beloved by reading slowly this text for him/her or you can use these suggestions for individual meditation.

You can also record this so that you can listen and practice together.

Strong and deep roots take you home

Sit comfortably, with your back straight and your legs crossed or in another meditation posture in which you can stay for a long time.

Imagine that you grow some roots into the earth, through the soles of your feet (if you sit on a chair) or from the base of your backbone, if you sit in a meditation posture, directly on the floor. Those energy roots reach deep inside the Earth.

When you inhale and exhale imagine that these roots grow and expand through all the layers of the Earth. Every time you breath out send your roots deeper and deeper. They keep growing until they reach the magma in the Earth’s core. Feel the intense heat as you make contact with the incandescent core of the Earth that symbolises your connection with the source of life. Feel the energy that this experience brings to you.

Open the way for the joy of life

Continue to breathe, ascend this red heat, this source of life and energy, to the superior levels of your body. It represents your passion, your love for life and the wish to live here and now.

Continue to breathe and to pull this energy upwards, through your roots, into your soles.

When you breathe in, let the heat rise through your legs until it reaches the pelvic area. Absorb that fiery energy into your sexual organs. Let it burn all the impurities that stop you from really enjoying life, while you contemplate with joy this process.

Breathe in and visualise the heat reaching your abdominal area. Imagine it burning all the obstacles that stand in the way of your effervescence and vitality.

Now bring that energy into your lungs and chest. Let your lungs be filled with the savour of life. Breathe in and bring the heat in the centre of your chest in the heart area. Feel the subtle centre of love expanding as your heart gets warm with your passion for life.

Reaching paradise with your branches

Bring the energy into the top of your head, or Sahasrara Chakra. Imagine that branches grow from you, a full tree crown that grows to reach the sky. Feel how these energetic channels expand into the shining white fire of the universe, in the realm beyond physical life, in the realm of spirit and infinity.

Absorb the cooling white fire in the crown situated in Sahasrara. Concentrate to open this chakra to allow the shining bright light to flow over your head. Feel the unlimited possibilities of expansion and ascension that you have.

Bring this sensation of expansion into your chest, in Anahata Chakra. Let your heart be caressed by this sensation by putting aside the fear of being hurt and by taking down your emotional walls.

Visualise the red fire and the white one burning together. Visualise them mixing up and intertwining inside your heart.

Imagine your own heart like a bridge between earth and sky. Celebrate the roots that connect you to the material world and the branches that bring the light from the spiritual world.

When you exhale let the energy of this red and white heat amplify and fill your heart with love. Send this love also to your beloved and then let it flow from there into the whole world.

When you breathe out love flows from you. When you breathe in you receive love. Breathe in and out, receiving and giving love.

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