2 min

Orgasm and enlightenment

Puritans of all religions and times have tried to deny and repress orgasm, on the base of being something carnal and lustful, that should be experienced just for the sake of procreation. The orgasm is, in fact, a mystical, holy experience, and in its holiness, it should not be considered a blasphemy and it should be embraced. This fundamental change in attitude is at the heart of the Erotic Revolution.

Sexologists define the orgasm in a non-poetical manner. They term the orgasm as “a trance accompanied by loss of contact with reality”. The orgasm is also called “la petite mort” (the little death) because of the state of suspension of the usual activity of the mind.

Biologist John N. Bleitren was the first to declare that substances that control the two manifestations of ecstasy – the erotic and transcendent one – are most likely produced from the same place: the pineal gland.

The Hindus called it the fountain of nectar, the place where ‘soma’ springs, the nectar that offers the happiness of communion with the universe. The Taoists referred to it as the “golden nectar”, the Rosicrucians called it “the hot dew”.

We talk about a form of energy, a subtle fluid that – these spiritual traditions consider – fill some secret caverns in the brain, go down into the body, and help us to attain mystical enlightenment and longevity.

Both Tantra and Erotic Taoism consider that such a performance is only possible if the man and woman who make love, control the erotic energy and reach the orgasm without ejaculation. Thus, they jump to the multiple orgasm, the meditation-orgasm.

In Tantra the orgasm is described as a beneficial state of conscious expansion in which the usual limits of the being are spontaneously eliminated, the tyranny of the mind is abolished, and the subject enters into the abyss of a beatific void.

The person experiencing an orgasm discovers with amazement the abandonment of oneself, ecstasy, abnegation, the death of the ego, the dissolution of time and space, and transcendence of the unified state of duality.

All these effects signify that the state of orgasm is identical with the state of having a metaphysical experience. For this reason, the state of spiritual illumination is also called the “cosmic orgasm” in Tantra.

In vain, the puritans of all religions and times were indignant. Mystical and erotic states are connected, so it’s not a blasphemy to place them together.

Biologist John N. Bleitren was the first to declare that substances that control the two manifestations of ecstasy – the erotic and transcendent one – are most likely produced from the same place: the pineal gland.

The Hindus called it the fountain of nectar, the place where soma springs, the nectar that offers the happiness of communion with the universe. The Taoists referred to it as the “golden nectar”, the Rosicrucians called it “the hot dew”.

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