4 min

The art of kissing

In Tantra it is considered that kissing leads to better communication and a profound harmony between the bodies, minds and souls of the lovers.

In India, kissing is not allowed in public because it is considered to be too intimate and of a sacred nature. In Bollywood movies kissing scenes were banned until very recently. Energetically, the mouth is an extension of the heart. Prostitutes or call girls often have a ‘no kissing’ rule in order to avoid developing feelings for their clients.

Our lips are a lot more sensitive than, for example, our fingers. All around our mouth there are hundreds of sensitive nerve endings. Studies have shown that, through the transfer of certain male sex hormones that increase their partner’s arousal. When stimulated by kissing our body produces oxytocin and dopamine, the ‘bonding’ hormone and the ‘feel-good’ hormone respectively, it also lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Sexologists are learning from Taoists and Tantrics

Studying the secrets and techniques found in Erotic Tao and Tantra, modern sexologists have synthesized this knowledge into 10 different kissing techniques.

1. A shower of kisses

Sexologist Anne Hooper describes in “The Latest Sexual Guide” the pleasure of the lovers to not limit themselves only to the lip area when kissing. She presents the steps for realizing this shower of kisses which the whole body will enjoy, including its most intimate parts.

Start with the mouth and lips, and then work your way down to the neck and shoulders and gently touch the chest and arms with the tongue. Don’t forget about the inner elbow, which is a highly erogenous area. The feeling of grazing the teeth, gently biting or pulling the body hair with your lips is also quite pleasant and arousing.

Keep going along the belly, thighs and legs but avoid for the moment the very sensitive area of the genitals. One of the most erotic feelings is having every inch of the body excited in this way or touched as if by mistake, with the exception of the genital area.

2. The butterfly kiss

Purse softly your closed lips and cover your lover’s face with gentle kisses. Touch the soft skin of the eyelids, the forehead, the cheeks and then caress his/her face using the eyelashes as you quickly blink, like a butterfly flaps its wings. Then witness his/her mouth fall partially open as he/she becomes highly responsive, says N. Lacroix, the author of “The Art of Tantric Love”.

Sexologists say that a breath-taking kiss is a secret ritual that must be tackled gradually and not unexpectedly. “It is much more erotic to feel, to hesitate; the kiss is seduction, opening, fusion” Lacroix concludes.

Kiss gently then lower lip, next softly touch the lips with your tip of your tongue. Then change roles. This is a very sensual preparation for a more profound kissing experience. Don’t rush!

3. Competition

For this game, kiss each other as much as possible, trying to surprise one another. The winner is the one who succeeds to gently bite the lower lip of the other one. This is funny, playful and surprising; it easily removes inhibitions and helps create a state of warm intimacy. Laughter and playfulness can create very relaxed states of openness to erotic interaction, as playfulness is itself erotic in nature.

4. The tight kiss

Take the lips of the lover between your teeth and with every breath sip them, but without biting them.

5. The Tantric kiss

In a warm, intimate atmosphere, save a few moments to feel your lover. Sit in front of another, holding each other and with your mouths closed. Your lips gently touch while you keep your eyes closed. Be aware of your beloved one and of your own breathing for at least 7 seconds. Breathe into each other’s mouths, feeling the warmth of the other’s life force. Try to unify your breathing rhythm for some time; though not for too long as women often breath deeper and slower than men so this can be unnatural to maintain deliberately. You will experience an extraordinary feeling of unity.

6. The pressed kiss

Kiss your lover’s lower lip, like a hunter playing with his prey. He/she must reply with the same intensity. You may vary the intensity and pressure. This very passionate kiss allows you to sense what may be your lover’s intensity in lovemaking.

7. The upper lip kiss

For a really inciting kiss, a man should kiss his lover’s upper lip. The ancient Taoist Chinese and Tantric texts disclose a great secret. The woman’s upper lip is in close energetic connection to the centre of sexuality (Swadhisthana chakra) and this is why many women feel shivers in their clitoris while they kiss or are passionately kissed here.

 8. The secret in the mouth palace

As you kiss, touch with your tongue the teeth and the roof of the mouth of your lover. Sexologist Zek Halu mentions some secret yoga techniques that imply touching the roof of the mouth with the tongue in order to elevate the energetic level of your being. Doing this during lovemaking can help elevate the energies to the third eye and above. Especially if your partner experiences a tingling sensation in the teeth or mouth touching this spot with the tongue or fingertip can help ‘unstick’ the energy which can get trapped’ here.

9. Tongue play

When you kiss your lover, the game of your tongues can be extremely arousing. Try to “sip” the other’s tongue, drinking it and it’s saliva deeper into your mouth. This sweet, passionate kiss can be an excellent way to show your lover that you want to make love with him and to fire him up when he is tired or busy.  According to sexologist Patrick K. there are some correspondences between a man’s tongue and his penis.

10. The flowing nectar

The most passionate kiss is the one that happens right in the moment of orgasm, during lovemaking, when she is on top and as she is almost having an orgasm, she starts to passionately kiss her lover. Sexologist Nitya L. describes this type of kiss: “exchange saliva, let it drop like some dew drops into his mouth”.

The oriental Tantric and Taoist wisdom shows that a woman’s saliva during  orgasm has magical healing qualities. This is why it is called nectar or the gods’ beverage. It harmonises the polar energies: masculine and feminine, yin and yang.

With so many benefits to your health and to your erotic life, there is no reason not to enjoy a daily dose of kissing.

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