4 min

The cosmic journey of the couple

Why is it that if you do good you receive good in return? Why is it that if you breathe profoundly you become calm? Why if you laugh you already start to feel better? Does all this surprise you?

Check for yourself. Stay with your back straight, chest open, raise your head, breathe profoundly and smile. Don’t just think of this. Do it.

Now keep going for a minute, two, five… Do you notice a good state of mind settling in? Peace, serenity, calmness. By maintaining the body posture we will manage to maintain the state. It is well known in psychology that the attitude determines the aptitude.

The Taoist and Tantric tradition have known this secret long before it was discovered by modern researchers. And they knew this due to a fundamental law, that is the law of resonance. This law is present in everything that exists in the universe, from the blades of grass to the gigantic explosions of the galaxies.

Let’s see how this mysterious principle functions, how you can use it, not only for yourself but in order to enrich and sacralise your couple relationship.

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