5 min

The mystery of Shakti

Any woman, whether consciously or not, is constantly searching for a female role model to inspire her. This model is usually determined by the dominant values of the environment in which she lives.

Her ideal can be the woman as an entrepreneur, loving mother, career woman or “femme fatale” and so on. However, the direction of women’s aspirations can reflect higher realities than these; which are limited and cannot bring the kind of lasting fulfilment her soul longs for.

The Tantric tradition offers the model of archetypal femininity, called “Shakti” which in its purest and most complex manifestation is the divine model of womanhood.

It is the ideal that every woman has a chance to attain and to manifest in her own specific and unique way. Only this way she can enjoy the fulfilment of her feminine nature.

In the Tantric tradition the term Shakti has two different meanings:

– the universal principle of energy, power and creativity

– the Goddess Woman, who has completely awakened her inherent divine qualities and fully manifests them in her life.

The universal principle of energy, power and creativity

In the highest sense Shakti represents the Divine Mother and, from another point of view, it is the universe itself springing from her womb. The manifestation of Shakti knows no beginning and no end.

Tantra states that as long as the phenomenal world exists, Shakti is responsible for its creation, sustenance and destruction. That’s why Shakti should be adored as precisely these essential aspects of the Supreme Divine.

“She is the Supreme Brahman itself. She is the source of all other deities of the Creation, because without Shakti they could not subsist by themselves even for a moment.” (Tantratattva)

In Tantrism, Shakti is considered to be perfectly free. She does not know any law that could restrict her or determine her in one way or another. There is no one and nothing that could oppose her desire to manifest.

Making a parallel with the human plane where the prototype of completely free and unconditional action is in the game or Lila, Tantra affirms that the whole Manifestation represents the game of the Divine; that is why Shakti is called the one that plays (lalita).

Thus, all divine, human or subhuman forms express nothing else but the solitary play of Shakti in her dance.

The goddess woman, completely awakened

The divine ideal of femininity needs to have energy and vitality. Let’s not forget that the female principle is the one that gives birth and gives life. Physique and psyche come from spirit, serving and manifesting it.

Thanks to her maternal spirit the woman has the physiological ability to give birth. The man is more vigorous in terms of physical strength, because in his spirit there is something related to courage.

The man extends himself into the world through action, the woman through self-giving. Feminine love is the most profound enigma that man will never cease to marvel at. The power of love is a huge force. A woman in love can create universes. She creates life!

“There are no ugly women, says a proverb, only women who do not yet know how to be beautiful.” Each woman has her own beauty and is beautiful in her own way.
When they can eliminate the psychological and mental inhibitions, inferiority complexes and negative suggestions, women are able to express their native charm and emanate their ancestral mystery through a natural connection to the Eternal Feminine.

This divine ideal means love, tenderness, sensitivity, grace, playfulness, spontaneity, dedication, modesty, purity – meaning a whole inner wealth, which is reflected also in the harmony and exterior fulfilment of the body.

This is first of all due to her continuous awareness of her connection to God. That’s why her manifestation is so magical, magnetic, almighty, divine.

On the human scale, magic and mystery in a woman who is aware of her connection with God transform her into the Initiatress mentioned in the Tantric tradition.

The teacher of wisdom

The power of the woman to initiate is enormous, and her state of conscious feminine eroticism and sensuality play an important role in this. Taking an active role and boldly exploring the whole range of secrets of Divine Eroticism during lovemaking, a beautiful, sensual and intelligent woman can bestow a subtle spiritual power upon her beloved.

This mysterious power, the highest form of Shakti, is a direct expression of her open intuition, it is also the “energy of wisdom”, spontaneous and cheerful, which can swiftly remove all barriers both in herself and in her lover.

Such a woman needs to courageously initiate her lover into her spiritual experience. Success lies in her sheer spontaneity, in her ability to have self-confidence and her capacity to focus on high ideals in her sincere aspiration to offer “something special and unforgettable” to her lover.

“A beautiful, sensual and intelligent woman initiates with the same yoni from which, in a previous life, the man was born. Such a woman initiates with the same breasts with which, in a previous life, she nursed him.

Such a woman initiates with the same mouth with which she once soothed the man. The woman aware of her beauty, full of sensuality and intelligence, is the supreme Initiatress in Tantra” (KAULA RAHASYA)

Perfect self-confidence is an essential condition in all the rituals of initiation and in fact it is the goddess in every woman, awakened through the processes of transfiguration, which then initiates.

The breath of God

Conscious contact with the subtle worlds manifests through intuition, harmonious integration, resonance with the mind of God and conscious autosuggestion.

These are all means that confer this state of Shakti, full of mystery, which manifests in a magical way. When you feel that the universe is your playground for the divine game of life, you’ve crossed the threshold to the world of magic.

The conscious Shakti who is permanently aware of the breath of God, which is manifested through her towards the world, becomes magical herself, because she transfers the mystery of God to the Creation.

She becomes the mother, the eye and the mouth of the Supreme Divine, breathing her supreme power into Creation.

Always in love with life

The Supreme Shakti is permanently in love with God. She lives through, and for, her supreme Lover. All the magic that she pours into the world is her hymn of love offered to Him.

Being in love with life is the secret gate to her connection with the Supreme Goddess, (Parashakti) and thus with God.

To be in love with the beauty of the sunrise, the drops of dew, the rain that caresses the Earth, nature’s beauty, the people around, the breath coming in and going out of the lungs, everything you touch, smell, taste, see and think, is the reflection of the soul of Shakti eternally in love.

When a woman has awakened her soul and her heart is full of love, the deep mystery reveals God to her in everything that exists as an eternal miracle.

Thy will be done

This profound state of adoration towards life and of immeasurable love for all that is contains all the magic of the universe. Not by chance it is said that “Infinite love easily makes the impossible possible!”

The smile of the woman in love is always mysterious, because she perceives the secrets of the universe.

Evoking all the love that we’ve ever felt, we keep our souls awake and young and at the same time we emanate around us the mysterious fire of love, the fundamental energy of the universe.

Magical and mysterious is the woman in whose heart God reins, because then He puts the entire universe at her feet as a space for her enchanting game.

Then her permanent condition is the state of “Thy will be done”, because she is in resonance with God’s heart. When Shakti magically manifests her state of consciousness, we call it the cosmic orgasm.

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