3 min

13 advantages of tantric lovemaking

The woman who practises lovemaking with love, transfiguration and amorous erotic continence, develops a so-called erotic-appeal that grants her a certain radiance, becoming brighter, shinier and more beautiful, effect which can last for long periods of time.

There actually is a quite close relationship between the erotic potential inside the body and the inner force that a person possesses, as it’s known for a fact that people with special inner force also have at their disposal a strong erotic potential.

Things have been pushed to the point that in order to attain enough power, famous men or women (businessmen, leaders, politicians, sportsmen) who know nothing about the conservation of their erotic potential (through amorous erotic continence), seldom engage in lovemaking.

Seeing that repeated sexual interactions which end with a discharge of energy is affecting their inner strength and their ability to succeed in the ‘aggressive’ and competitive work environment, there are some who would rather not engage in any erotic activity whatsoever.

The drawback is that, while abstinence could be adequate for some people who undergo strict observation of certain spiritual disciplines, it cannot count for a solution for those who are not ‘prepared’ for it, because without a correct approach to abstinence, men often tend to lose their erotic potential by nocturnal emissions and women by abundant and painful menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that the erotic potential is a physiological gift by birth and it can be used more or less wisely. The fact that as we age, or by excessive unconscious ‘usage’, our erotic energies diminish shows that our reservoir is, in fact, limited and that it can be consumed sooner or later. This is where the knowledge about amorous erotic continence and how it can be attained proves to be a valuable tool for a wiser usage of our erotic energy.

The advantages of practising Tantric lovemaking:

  1. Increases the state of inner balance, increases our creativity and awakens our intelligence;
  2. Increases the charm and magnetism for both men and women;
  3. Considerable decrease both in time and volume of the woman’s period and of the effects of the pre-menstrual syndrome;
  4. Elimination of the fatigue and alienation associated with the orgasm with discharge;
  5. Capacity experience more and more intense states of orgasms;
  6. Increasing of a state of ‘appetite’ and eternal longing between the two lovers, where they seem not to be able to get enough of one another, thus reaching a state of erotic insatiability which does not diminish in time;
  7. Greatly increases the capacity to love and to be open to the divine energy of sublime love;
  8. Increased vitality;
  9. Boosts the immunity system and helps with the regeneration and rejuvenation of both the body and neural network;
  10. Elimination of the risk of any undesired pregnancy;
  11. Natural enlargement of the breasts for the women who practice amorous erotic continence systematically;
  12. Increase in self-confidence;
  13. Elimination of feebleness and laziness;

Moreover, through the practice of perfect amorous erotic continence and through embracing sacred love in our lives, we get the chance to rediscover ourselves as spiritual beings, to attain a superior understanding of love, of life, of the Universe and finally to reach the supreme state of spiritual fulfilment.

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