4 min

Relax in the state of orgasm

For a tantric couple, the erotic interaction is a complete one; and it is like that because the fusion that takes place between the two lovers passes the barrier of the bodies and projects them in a cosmic dimension.

To achieve such a state of inner expansion, the tantric art of love teaches you to stay relaxed while an intense excitation of the senses appears.

This is how you can receive erotic energy from your beloved, and you will also feel flooded by  the sensual sensations that enter in a state of effervescence.

It is now possible to go from a state of excitement to a state of ineffable delight experienced in the whole body, which is the precondition for the total orgasm that makes every cell in your body to vibrate.

To accumulate intense sensations to the peak of voluptuousness, most people tense their muscles, especially those around the thighs and pelvis.

In terms of energy, tension involves internal contraction, which decreases the ability of the energy to flow through the body. Relaxation, on the other hand, involves expansion.

When you are deeply relaxed, the erotic energy spreads from the genital area throughout the entire body.

Awaken your senses through massage

Tantric practitioners encourage expansion through visualization of the erotic energy that floods the other subtle centers of force, especially Anahata chakra – located in the area of the cardiac plexus and Sahashrara – located on top of the head, near the fontanel.

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