6 min


As Tantrics and practitioners of amorous erotic continence, men have the possibility to experience numerous orgasms and can make love for many hours; much to the pleasure of their lovers. So, what prevents them from getting blue painful testicles and what happens to the fluids which would normally be lost in the form of ejaculation?

At the heart of Tantra lies an inner alchemy in which processes of transmutation of the sexual potential and sublimation of the erotic energy take place. Here, the sexual secretions are not wasted but are transformed into an unexpected inner force.

Matter becomes energy, and energy, raised in the upper levels of the being, activates our dormant potential: outstanding vitality, unlimited creative power, self-discipline and effective action, the ability to love in an authentic manner, deep, elevated intuition, telepathy, happiness and many other spiritual treasures.

Tantrics have been speaking for centuries about these miraculous phenomena. Moreover, they have experienced them directly.

The beginning of an exciting journey

What happens in the body during these enigmatic reactions? How do our cells vibrate? What physical form does the phenomenon of sexual transmutation have inside the human body? Did science find an explanation for these phenomena?

Scientists have been investigating for several centuries the possibility of living organisms to transmute chemical elements within nuclear reactions; the first hypothesis on this matter was formulated by a Flemish chemist, Jean-Baptiste Helmont, at the beginning of the 17th century.

His experiment, unprecedented for those times, consisted in planting a birch sapling in a kiln-burned pot, perfectly dry and with no chemicals added. He watered this plant for five years only with rain water or, in case of a prolonged drought, with distilled water. At the end of this period, the chemist uprooted the tree and weighed it. It was eighty pounds heavier, although the weight of the soil in the pot had not changed significantly.

This led Helmont to the conclusion that the weight gain could not only happen due to the earth in the vessel. Somewhere inside the birch there was an unknown “something”, acting in secret, like an alchemist capable of transmuting lead into precious metals.

Expect the unexpected

In 1799, Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin – a French scientist – conducted an experiment in which he fed hens with oats and water, in a controlled environment that revealed an extraordinary aspect: the birds were eliminating five times the quantity of calcium that they ingested.

It was, therefore, an inexplicable capacity of living organisms to produce new chemical elements. How? Vauquelin had no answer.

This enigmatic reaction stirred up the interest of a German chemist. In his book, “The Origin of Inorganic Substances,” Von Herzeele formulated an unprecedented hypothesis: plants are not satisfied only with the substances extracted from the soil, they are constantly creating new matter.

His experiments have shown some considerable increases in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in both grown plants and germinated seeds.

The truth is hard to swallow

Von Herzeele’s statements made some waves in the science world. There were debates, opposition, even rebellion, as the transformation of chemical elements within living organisms seemed to contradict the law of conservation of matter discovered by Lavoisier.

According to this, “nothing is lost in the universe, nothing is gained, everything changes”, and the only kinds of transformation take place at a cellular and molecular level, not atomic; and under no circumstances at a nuclear level.

Considered a true blasphemy in the holy temple of science, Von Herzeele’s hypothesis was rejected. His works have been removed from the bookstores, and for more than fifty years this mysterious phenomenon was silenced.

Around 1870, a German doctor named Hauschka discovered in Berlin a lost collection of Herzeeles’ works. The research on this matter had been resumed by several scientists, including a very ambitious and diligent French man.

His name was Corentin Louis Kervran. And he would dedicate his whole life to researching this subject.

Kervran’s hens

The starting point of his experiments was apparently a trivial one: he observed that the hens in his garden seemed happy pecking the ground and when he tested the material on the ground, he found it contained tiny pieces of mica – a silica mineral.

Kervran had a lot of knowledge in mineralogy and in natural science but could not find a plausible explanation for why the hens liked it so much.

Resorting to chemical analysis, he found that the bones of the hens and their cartilage kept no trace of the particular minerals. Even when he took samples from the internal organs and from all parts of the body, he could not find any trace of mica.

Moreover, what intrigued Kervran was the ability of these hens to make eggs with a strong shell that was also rich in calcium, although this chemical element was deficient both in the soil in the area and in their food.

The hens did not ingest calcium, but they were able to eliminate this element in a considerable amount; while silicon, which they ingested through mica, disappeared without a trace from their bodies.

After years of rigorous experiments and research, Kervran claimed that living organisms are capable of transforming chemical elements.

The process, which he named “biological transmutation”, consisted of regrouping of the constituent elements of the atoms, in the course of nuclear reactions followed by a slow but powerful release of energy. Reactions occur at the cellular level, inside the mitochondria, with the help of a certain type of enzyme.

To explain these naturally occurring manifestations in living organisms, Kervran delivered a new hypothesis on the atomic nucleus.

This hypothesis has as main ideas: a heterogeneous structure of the atomic nucleus, the presence of alpha particles as basic subassemblies, and the existence of two types of bonds between these particles – strong (which cannot be enzymatically broken) and weak (which can be broken during the biological transmutation process).

Kervran’s electrifying discovery

Courageously, the French scientist succeeded to bring some light in the matter of this mysterious phenomenon in the books and articles that he published between 1960 and 1983: “Transmutations biologiques: métabolismes aberrants de l’Azote, le Potassium et le Magnésium”, “Transmutations naturelles non radioactives – une propriete nouvelle de la matiere”, “Preuves relatives à l’existence des transmutations biologiques”, “Preuves en biologie de transmutations à faible énergie”. All these were going to grant him the reputation and the name of “father of biological transmutation”.

Kervran’s conclusion, which had crowned several centuries of research in this field, was that “many chemical elements (and especially those with low atomic weight) may undergo biological transmutation reactions: C, N, O, Si, Na, K, Ca, P, S and Cl “.

It is significant, however, in the context of techniques of tantric alchemy, the presence of these chemical elements in the very composition of the sexual fluids. Sperm, for example, contains sodium, potassium, chlorine and phosphorus, and menstrual blood, this wasted essence of life, also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and chlorine.

According to the French scientist’s theory, the human body is thus capable of transmuting the elements of the sexual fluids into new elements at body temperature, through nuclear reactions followed by a slow, but powerful release of energy.

Science reached its limit in trying to explain this phenomenon. But Tantra goes further (both with theory and practice): the chemical elements can be fully transmuted into energy.

If we take into consideration the hypothesis of the 200 million electron-volts that are present as potential energy in every atom in our body and we add the energy emanating from the transmutation process itself, we get a gigantic level of energy. So even a few grams of transmuted sexual fluids can put at our disposal a colossal energy that we only need to know how to use it wisely.

More scientific evidence

A fruitful collaboration between science and spirituality took place in an ashram in India and revealed another fascinating aspect: the composition of sperm suffered modifications as a result of the practice of a traditional yogic technique called Oli mudra.

In the case of a healthy man, the number of ejaculated spermatozoa, during erotic intercourse, is approximately 200 million; 160 million are normally needed to ensure procreation; and a decrease below 100 million can mean the complete cancellation of the possibility to fertilise the ovum.

In the experiment that took place at Gitananda’s ashram it was observed that a reduction in the number of spermatozoa to about 30,000, took place through the practice of Oli Mudra.

That was another proof of the authenticity of biological transmutation; of the latent possibilities that our inner universe puts at our disposal – it seems we have encoded in our physical structure, the key to longevity and spiritual immortality.

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